Have been so busy with school and projects..
Hehehe, Anyway, 9 girls has been chosen to be
Ettusais Brand Ambassador! (it's a brand under Shiseido)
And i'm one of them! ^-^
I was really really really excited when i received the email
from Iris, Marketing Executive of Ettusais
and was being told that i was picked as one of them!
And we had a meet up at Ettusais's office afew days ago!
it was real fun getting to know the other girls! (:
The best thing is, I've always love Ettusais's products!
I've been using their products for the past 2 years and
My favourite product from Ettusais would be the
Flat Design Liquid (Liquid Foundation),
Zero Pore Pact (Compact Foundation) and their lipgloss!
So being such a big fan of the brand,
being picked as one of the brand ambassador makes me
go gaga and extremely excited as if i'm a little kid! hehehe
Checking out Ettusais's full range of skincare & Cosmetics...
Ettusais’ products are for girls between 18-29 and
very good for those with open pores, excessive sebum, zits etc,
cos it’ll give you clear & fresh skin!
You can see my favourite Flat Design Liquid
(those bottles at the back).
I love it as it hides all blemishes & it's easy to spread.
Has SPF 18 PA ++ and it's pretty good at oil control as well!
And those compact foundation infront are the Zero Pore Pact.
The coverage for this 2-way cake is very good,
It really hides my pores
(althought mine is not really visible)
And it's really long lasting, i hardly need any touch-ups
with this 2-way cake, which is like a miracleeeee. lol
People always feel like after using a product for while,
the product tend to lose it's "effect" on our skin,
cause us to breakout etc.
One of the reason could be, dirty makeup sponges, brushes etc
The beauty trainer explained to us that, makeup sponges:

should only be use four times
(half the sponge for each application)
And then it should be WASHED and dried
before using it for your next application.
Reason being, when you apply the foundation with the sponge,
the sebum, dirt whatever thingy on your face
gets in contact with the sponge,
and if you use the same spot of the sponge to apply swipe
on the foundation to pick up more powder,
It's like, you're contaminating the foundation,
causing it not to work as well anymore!
So next time if you break-out after using a certain product,
be sure to check if it's your sponge is clean,
before blaming the product and saying like:
" oh.. this product really sucks, it causes breakout etc.."
My favourite lipglosses! So many pretty shades!
hehehe, i was like.. a kid trapped in disneyland overnight!
The makeup galooooooore~
And explaining to us why is she doing steps like,
prepping the skin with primer, and how to apply foundation
so it will not look cakey and awful!
(What my boyf would call: " Smile already makeup will CRACK!)
One of the sponsers, Toshiba was there at the meeting too!
eAhhhh, look at that newest laptop from them..
I waaaaaant the pink one! hehehe
I'm becoming extremely bimbotic. *shakes head*
New phone pink, DS Lite pink, the camera i'm aiming for also pink..
...And we left the Shiseido office, grinning & skipping
with the goodie bags from Ettusais & Toshiba
in our loooooooving arms. Muaahhaha. :x
TA-DAAAAAAAH! The lastest item from Ettusais,
The Eye Zone Massaging Essence & Eye Zone tinted Essence!
I'll be doing a review on these next week!
So do lookout if you've been checking out this new product,
but not sure if you should buy it or not! ^-^
Lol, say hello to "PALA-CHAN!"
It was included in the toshiba's goodie bag,
guess what is it?!
... it's a monitor screen wiper!
OMG! it's so cute.. how could i bear to use it and wipe my monitor?!
Then PALA-CHAN would have a black tummy! Pouts!
Okay! I've gotta go rush my project now!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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